Year 3 - Duties

During the third year, students continue to carry out their research and are encouraged to attend international conferences with funding provided by the program, within the limits imposed by available resources. They may also continue, or start, their research period abroad.

At the conclusion of the third year, the candidates to the PhD title must:

  1. Give a seminar where they present the research design, the methodology adopted and the main findings of at least two original chapters  of their dissertation, as well a clear summary of the third chapter, if not fully completed yet;  

  2. Submitting a final year report that a summary of their dissertation content and a list of all the other activities they performed during the year;

  3. Completing the online PhD student booklet, available here, where students must record all the activities undertaken during the year.

After the seminar, which is normally held in September, the Scientific Board and the Supervisor may suggest to the candidate to consider to apply for a writing-up extension to obtain more time to prepare the final version of the dissertation.

Admission to the final exam is described here.

Last update 17 October 2024