PhD Students' Research Fund

In addition to the scholarship, every PhD student receives every year a research fund amounting to 10% of the scholarship's value.

As books and IT equipment are provided by the University, the fund is usually spent at the discretion of each student to meet the costs of attending external courses such as Summer and Winter Schools or conferences, i.e., transportation, registration fees, accommodation and meals. 

During the period abroad the fund CANNOT be used to pay for accommodation or other living expenses, which are accounted for by the 50% increase in the value of the scholarship. However, the research fund can be used to pay for travel expenses and registration fees. If in doubt, a student should consult the coordinator to better plan the financial aspects of the visit period abroad.

The Scientific Board allows each student, during the first two years, to overspend the allocated budget by a limited amount, generally not exceeding 500-600 euros. This will be deducted from the fund paid during the last year.   

Last update 22 October 2024